The ja ja nein nein living room sculpture

Library of the University of Frankfurt
wall paintings in the common rooms, a found joke on a table

The library of the University of Frankfurt was built in the early 60`s by Ferdinand Kramer. Its a very functional and rational building. All in all there a only two common rooms in this building. Each of the wall paintings gives a descriptions of these rooms.


Translation of the wallpainting:

Here are for quadratic tables and sixteen blue chairs. It is not allowed to smoke. The view out of the windows is insignificant. A wall projection with a green carpet serves as a bench. In front of this bench is a table, longer but more narrow then the others. On this table is written a joke. Permanently you can hear the noise of shut doors from the nearby lockers.


Object trouvé: a joke written on a table:

Lady Di is dead. There is a great exitment in heaven. „How should we dress up when the princess arrives?“, the angels are wailing. But St Peter says to their relief:„For what reasons you think we invited Versace a few weeks ago?